Please use this page to check for details of open auditions, production jobs and opportunities to join the Out of Joint staff. When we have roles available, we’ll post them here, but we also advertise them on the Arts Council’s free jobs website – why not join their mailing list to see the latest job opportunities in the arts.


Our casting process for our productions can be quite varied. We sometimes work with partner theatres’ casting departments and freelance casting directors to cast our shows. We occasionally conduct our casting in-house, but this is rare. Increasingly, we are holding open auditions for our shows; if you’d like to hear about these, sign up to our mailing list and remember to tick the “training and opportunities” box. We will also post details of Open Auditions to our social media channels, so make sure you are following us on twitter and have liked us on Facebook. You can also check out our instagram here.


We often get invites to come and see shows from people who would like to work with us. Whilst we will do our best to carefully consider each one, we sadly aren’t able to see every show. If you are interested in Out of Joint seeing your work, please send information to Unfortunately we won’t be able to respond individually to each invite, but we will be in touch to arrange tickets if we’d like to learn more about you.


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