Pitt Rivers Museum
Out of Joint presents
A practical workshop on devising a new piece of theatre.
7 – 13 August 2013, Oxford
***UPDATE*** On all but the first day, this workshop will be held at the famous Pitt Rivers Museum of archaeology and ethnography.
Participants will work with director Naomi Jones, exploring rehearsal techniques including those used by Artistic Director Max Stafford-Clark. Devising, interviewing, improvising, verbatim theatre and “actioning” will all be used to create a piece of theatre, providing ideas to take away for use in your future work.
The workshop will involve both the Pitt Rivers and Ashmolian museums, looking at the curation of their collections.
Naomi directed Flight Path for Out of Joint and the Bush Theatre, Sisters Such Devoted Sisters (Out of Joint/Drill Hall) and was Max Stafford-Clark’s assistant director on many plays including Talking to Terrorists by Robin Soans, Macbeth and The Permanent Way by David Hare. For Eastern Angles she has directed The Long Way Home, Lincoln Return, and Return to Akenfield. Other productions include The Rover (Southwark Playhouse), One Million Tiny Plays About London (Clerkenwell Theatre; Latitude Festival) and After Miss Julie (Gothenburg English Speaking Theatre, Sweden).

Naomi Jones
Naomi teaches at The Oxford School of Drama and the Advanced Performers Studio and has taught on the Write on the Edge new writing programme in Belfast.
- Wed 7, Thu 8, Fri 9, Mon 12, Tue 13 August 2013
- Oxford (venue tbc)
- £125.
- Suitable for ages 17+.
To book or ask questions, please contact our incoming Education Manager Isabel Quinzaños [email protected]
With thanks to Oxford Playhouse.
Several of Out of Joint’s plays have been made by using verbatim techniques to find out more about a world – Max Stafford-Clark describes it as picking up stones and discovering what’s underneath. These include The Permanent Way by David Hare and Talking to Terrorists, Mixed Up North and A State Affair by Robin Soans.