What is the structure of the company?
OjO’s core staff currently consist of an Artistic Director, a Producer, a Marketing Manager, an Administration and Education Manager, an Assistant Director, a part-time Literary Manager and a part-time Finance Officer. The production team changes for each show. Acting companies are cast afresh for each project according to requirements (see below)
Do we accept unsolicited scripts?
Please read our script submission procedure below carefully before sending us your script:-
We will consider one script submission per writer per year. If you have more than one play you wish to send to us, please choose the one you think Out of Joint would like best.
We are only able to accept scripts by email so please DO NOT send us hard copies – we will not read them.
Scripts should be sent to [email protected] and contain your contact details. You will receive an automated response to confirm that your script has been safely received.
We are only able to contact you if we want to take your play further, or if we enjoy your writing and want to meet you or read something else you have written. I’m afraid we cannot enter into feedback about plays we don’t wish to take further.
How do we cast actors for our productions?
Our casting process differs from show to show; sometimes we cast in-house, sometimes with a casting director, or sometimes with the casting department of one of our co-producing theatres. If you would like to learn more about the specifics of the casting of each show, please get in touch with our producer Martin Derbyshire. If you would like to be considered for casting it would be best to get in touch once a show has been announced, rather than simply sending in your CV.
Where can I buy scripts of OjO productions?
Please go to our shop page where you can buy books online at great discounts.
Where can I access OjO archive material?
Our archive has recently been acquired by the University of Hull. It is currently being catalogued and therefore not available on their online service yet, but if you do have a question about a previous production, please get in touch.
Is there an OjO workshop programme?
OjO runs an extensive workshop programme for schools, colleges and universities – please see the education page for more info.
Where can I find out more about Max Stafford-Clark and OjO writers?
Our online reading list will give you a good starting-point if you are wanting to research writers who have worked with OjO, or themes that are frequently broached in our shows. Max’s books Taking Stock, Letters to George and Our Country’s Good: Page to Stage are available from the shop.
How do I join the mailing list?
To receive updates on our productions and other activities, and some special offers for other shows, please enter your name and address (postal and/or email) in the mailing list sign-up form.
Do OjO take people on work experience placements?
Out of Joint offers occasional one-week, administration-based placements throughout the year. Availability will depend on our activity at the time. Whilst we cannot promise that there will be a production in progress, we do try and give people a good insight the workings of a touring company. The demand for placements is high, so if you are interested please send a cover letter outlining why you are interested in Out of Joint and a copy of your C.V to [email protected] or at Out of Joint, 7 Thane Works, Thane Villas, London N7 7NU.
Do OjO hire out their rehearsal room?
Yes we do. For more information visit our rehearsal room page.